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5th September 2019
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When DevOps Met RebelHQ

5th September 2019

They came, they saw, and they conquered the ice lolly eating marathon! Who knew so many ice lollies could be eaten in such a short period of time!

Although a little hot, we were extremely happy and maybe even a bit surprised at the amazing turnout last week! Even though we made the promise of free food and goodies, we still didn’t quite expect such an awesome response!!!!  Was it the talks? Was it the free car parking? Was it the paid actors?? 

Speakers of the night smashed it with some great knowledge sharing, inspiring sentiments and obviously some good humour…. But it was the crowd that made it. We don’t feel like recruiters at these events, we feel part of the tech community, trying to learn with the best of them and not following anyone’s rules but our own when it comes to what being a tech recruiter looks, talks and acts like!

Anyway, I digress. I could go into detail as what was said, by whom and provide you with the minutes…. But it wasn’t a meeting, it was a community meetup – where other than the knowledge share, its unscripted, free and wild (might be going too far with that last bit – the cleanup operation only took 10 mins) but if you want to know what happens, what’s said, and what these infamous ice lollies taste like, you’ll have to come along to the next one!

Our next #RebelMeetup event is on: Thursday 5th September @ RebelHQ hosting: NottsDev Workshop hit:

Knowledge share guest speakers include: Gosia Borzecka

This is a hands on event, so bring your tech….



 RebelHQ signing out
