Protecting the Skies: Drone Defence

Twenty years ago, buying a remote-controlled helicopter would have set you back £250 (not including fuel/power), and you’d have to spend hours learning to get it off the ground.
In 2020 you can basically just nip online, order yourself a drone for £100, and have it flying around in less than 5 minutes.
Drones are cool.
I know it.
You know it.
Amazon, Google, your local estate agent, they all know it too.
But, for all the cool stuff we’ll be using them for over the next 20 years, there’s already a wealth of situations where they can (and have) been used maliciously.
This lot is putting a stop to that.
They’re still in the startup stages, but profitable, and they need a dev.
Not just any dev though.
They need someone who loves this stuff. Someone who wants more.
They don’t care what your background is (PHP/C#/JS/Python/Java) – they just want your expertise and your ability to make the right choices for the platform.
Over the next 12 months, you’ll build a platform that will change how the world sees UAVs. That includes bringing on a hand-picked team of devs to support you.
Two years later? The CTO role will be all yours.
Although a super cool tech toy for some and an amazing tool for photographers, authorities around the globe have found that there has been a rise in the use of drones for more nefarious reasons – often presenting some seriously dangerous situations. Drone Defence has met ‘call’ and have become guardians of the sky, travelling far and wide installing solutions and protecting people’s privacy.
Drone Defence: Disrupt, Define, Deliver – be a part of a truly limitless business, help protect privacy, build the team, disrupt the industry, exceed expectations, live the success, join the pack, be a lion!
An exclusive role you won’t find anywhere else, Drone Defence has partnered with Rebel to bring you one of its most mission-critical roles: Software Engineer
Contact Leigh directly at Leigh@rebelrecruiters.co.uk