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3rd May 2023
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Fleas Vs. Slugs

3rd May 2023

As a recruitment business owner, I’ve seen a lot of resumes in my time. And let me tell you, I used to be one of those people who looked at short employment tenures with a raised eyebrow. If someone had jumped from job to job, I’d think, “What’s wrong with them? Why can’t they stick to something for more than a year or two?”

But over the years, my perspective has shifted. I’ve learned that stable employment tenure isn’t everything. In fact, it can be overrated. And to illustrate this point, I’m going to use a couple of animal analogies: slugs and fleas.

The Slug Mentality

When I think of a slug, I picture a slow-moving, slimy creature that leaves a trail of goo in its wake. And when I think of an employee with a stable employment tenure, I picture someone who’s been in the same job for years and years. They’ve settled into a routine, they know exactly what’s expected of them, and they’re not particularly interested in pushing themselves outside of their comfort zone.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There’s something to be said for dependability and loyalty. But there’s also something to be said for motivation and ambition. And sometimes, employees with stable employment tenures can lack these qualities. They’re comfortable where they are, and they don’t see the point in taking risks or trying new things.

This can be particularly problematic in industries that are constantly evolving. If a company is too set in its ways, it can fall behind the competition. And if its employees aren’t motivated to learn and grow, they can drag the whole company down with them.

The Flea Factor

On the other end of the spectrum, we have fleas. Fleas are fast-moving, nimble creatures that can jump from host to host with ease. And when I think of an employee with a short employment tenure, I picture someone who’s moved from job to job, gaining new skills and experiences along the way.

At first glance, this might seem like a negative thing. After all, shouldn’t we be looking for employees who will stick around for the long haul? But here’s the thing: employees with short employment tenures can be incredibly valuable. They bring a fresh perspective to the table, and they’re not afraid to try new things. They’re often highly motivated and ambitious, and they’re always looking for ways to improve themselves and their skills.

Plus, in today’s job market, it’s becoming increasingly common for employees to switch jobs every few years. This isn’t necessarily a sign of disloyalty or flakiness – it’s often a way for employees to gain new experiences, increase their earning potential, and find a better work-life balance.

The Benefits of Fleas

So, what can we learn from fleas? Well, for one thing, we can learn that short employment tenures aren’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, they can be a sign of ambition and a desire for growth.

But beyond that, we can learn that diversity is key. When you have a team made up of employees with different backgrounds and experiences, you’re more likely to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. You’re less likely to fall into the trap of “groupthink,” where everyone just agrees with each other and no one is willing to challenge the status quo.

And let’s not forget about the benefits of remote work. Thanks to the remote working revolution, companies can now tap into talent from all over the world. This means that businesses can access workers who have experience in fast-growing, international businesses, and who can bring new ideas and perspectives to the table.


So, what’s the takeaway here? Should you throw out all your old ideas about employment tenure?

I would suggest that the traditional approach to valuing long-term stable employment tenure is no longer suitable for today’s fast-paced, ever-changing workforce. The world of work is evolving, and businesses need to adapt accordingly. The slug-like candidates who stick around for years may provide a sense of security, but they may also hinder a business’s growth and progress. On the other hand, the flea-like candidates who jump around from job to job may bring a wealth of experience and fresh ideas that can help a business thrive.

It’s time for businesses to embrace change and take a chance on candidates who may not fit the traditional mould. Hiring someone who has worked for multiple companies in a short amount of time may seem risky, but it can actually be a sign of adaptability, ambition, and a desire for new challenges. The workforce is no longer a one-size-fits-all model, and businesses that recognize this and are willing to take a chance on “fleas” may be rewarded with employees who bring new ideas, fresh perspectives, and a drive to succeed.

So, the next time you’re reviewing resumes and come across a candidate who has worked at multiple companies in a short amount of time, don’t immediately dismiss them as a job hopper. Take a closer look at their experience, skills, and overall fit for your business. You may be surprised at what you find. And who knows, you may just find your next star employee in a “flea” who’s ready to jump into their next challenge.

– Written by